ARINSA is a multi-agency informal network between participating countries. We exchange information, model legislation and country laws in asset forfeiture, confiscation and money laundering. Other services include newsletters, publications, events, and links to other networks.

ARINSA as an international "network of networks" means that the proceeds of crime can be traced informally to all corners of the globe making sure that the slogan "TAKING THE PROCEEDS FROM CRIME - IN AFRICA" and making sure to "LEAVE CRIMINALS WITH NOWHERE TO HIDE" - is withheld.

Strategic Intent

On 23-24 March 2009 delegates from law enforcement and prosecution agencies from nine countries in the eastern and southern African region met in Pretoria to discuss the creation of a new, informal Network of investigators and prosecutors. (Read the ARINSA MANUAL)


Countries represented at the conference were: Botswana, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.


It was agreed that an informal network based on the CARIN model would be of considerable help to prosecutors and investigators working on cases involving the identification, tracing, freezing, seizure, confiscation and recovery of proceeds and instrumentalities of crime, and that such a network, established in accordance with the parameters set out below, should be established without delay.


The aim of ARINSA is to increase the effectiveness of members' efforts, individually and collectively, on a multi-agency basis, in depriving criminals of instrumentalities of crime and illicit profits, through the Key Objectives, set out below.

Key Objectives

In seeking to meet its Aim, ARINSA will:

   • focus on the proceeds and instrumentalities of all crimes, within the scope of international obligations;

   • establish itself as a Centre of Excellence on all aspects of tackling the instrumentalities and proceeds of crime;

   • promote the exchange of information and good practice;

   • establish a network of contact points;

   • facilitate and promote, the establishment, where possible, of national centres of excellence in all aspects of tackling the proceeds of 


   • make recommendations to other bodies such as the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) and

      SADC, relating to all aspects of tackling the proceeds of crime;

   • act as an advisory group to appropriate authorities;

   • facilitate, where possible, training in all aspects of tackling the proceeds of crime;

   • recognise the importance of cooperation with the private sector in achieving its aim.


The current ARINSA member countries are, Angola, Botswana, DRC, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Contact Us

Address      :    1059 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, 0028, Pretoria
Telephone  :    +27 12 432 0827
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Last modified: Thursday, 14 March 2024, 10:47 AM